bad.bad.bad.blogger. sorry.
i live on the weekends. i don't (well, i try not to) do much with my friends during the week, because then the weekend is just that much know?
so since i've been slacking, i thought i'd share last weekend's adventures before this weekend happens.
last friday night was our homecoming game. we dominated. i don't really remember the score, but it was something like 53 to 20something. i've been more into high school football this year than i ever have been. i kind of think that it's because i'm a senior...if i don't pretend to care about whether or not we win or have a good kicker or whatever, i'm gonna miss it.
grab high school by the balls! helmet. or whatever.
anyway, after the game (and after my jumping on my best friend's back brought her crashing into the cement and throwing me into the grass {she ended up with bloody, gashed up knees. sorry sweetie}), we went to a party that my brother was at. it was a party for a sixteen year old boy and all his fifteen year old friends. they were watching a scary movie and none of the girls that they had invited showed up. so, naturally, seeing as my brother conveniently has a 17 year old sister who has an 18 year old best girl friend...he called and impromptu-invited us. =)
so we showed up and the movie they were watching was SO stupid. but i feigned being terrified and told the group of boys that i really needed someone to hold my hand. bingo! derek and i held hands for the last 20 minutes of the movie and he was impressibly smooth about it....good job, derek.
on saturday morning, my mom and my brother and i all headed out to the mall to meet my aunts for shopping and lunch. i have adorable cousins and it was just a fun morning/afternoon. my aunt deanna bought me a new pair of jeans as an early birthday present and i love them! i have an obsession with american eagle jeans...i don't know if its that they're really comfortable, they fit me well, or that i fit into their size 0....but they rock.
after the mall, we headed to will's lacrosse game. they lost (again) but will is an amazing lacrosse player. *sidenote* will has amazing abs, so he deems it necessary to go shirtless whenever possible....which is like 49% of the time. =)
after the game, dalan picked me up and we went to kaden's boxing match. dude. let me just get this out there...boxers are kinda hot. seriously. they're super buff and can take a hit like nobody's business. *sidenote* i thought that when we went (i had never been to a boxing match before) it would be this kind of shady, out of control, freaky thing, but it was actually very civil and organized. the boxers were really nice to each other afterwards; they hugged, shook hands, laughed was competitive of course, but it wasn't at all as hostile as i thought it was going to be. =)
so kaden won his fight and it was SO INTENSE! he boxed out of blue (they box out of blue or red corners of the ring) and i haven't felt that anxious in a while! i really like kaden as a friend and watching all the fights leading up to his was sort of was a really close match. none of us really thought he had won but when the called out "Blue corner!" i just jumped up and started screaming!! ah!! it was a really good feeling....i can't imagine how kaden felt!
after that i had an awesome sleepover with my bestie. =) i love spending time with her. we stayed up all night talking and watching made for tv movies. in the morning i had jelly beans for breakfast and we just hung out around the house.
all-in-all, last weekend was amazing!
can't wait for this weekend!!
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