Thursday, December 1, 2011

hi. again.

almost two whole months since my last post. the world will probably end now. sorry.

truth is, i've been really busy......procrastinating. school is good. except for the fact that i'm an exceptional procrastinator. i've been on a couple of dates with a boy that i think i might like. had some drama in my life (thank HEAVENS that's over). applied to the college of my choice. you know. the usual. =)

maybe i'll try to blog more often. maybe.

it could be part of my whole "lifestyle change" thing i have going on right now. i'm protesting myself. the "right now" me. protesting all the junk food. procrastination. neglect. i have had ice cream for dinner more often than not this week. i don't think i did a single assignment for school. and my hair has been nothing but ponytails for days.

nice one, watson.

yeah. we'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. "Go, Fight, Win! ...and call me when you get back, dahling, I enjoy our visits."

    Love you tons, girlie! I believe in you.
