Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lack of...

there are a lot of things that i am lacking in life. number 1: the self-discipline to stop blogging and go do the homework that needs to be done. number 2: a photographic memory. and number 3:
i don't know. i have no idea what it is but i feel like i'm forgetting something. something important.
it feels like i have a test tomorrow that i didn't study for. (not it)
like i got ready and forgot to put on mascara or only put one earring in. (not it)
like i was supposed to meet someone for lunch and only remebered the day after. (not it)

maybe i'm just not getting enough sleep. that might be it. i usually go to bed at 10 (in bed, teeth brushed, lights out, falling asleep) but the last couple of days i've been getting to bed around 11/11:20. no bueno!!
perhaps i haven't been eating as healthily as i should. it seems like i either eat really healthy food all the time, all junk food all the time, or i just don't eat at all. hahaha! none of those are super good for you...maybe i should work on that as well.

hmmmmm....this blog post made no sense at all.


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